Great learning tower
My 18 month old daughter loves this! Easy assembly and great quality
For children, the world is a magical and curious place. They learn by mirroring Mommy and Daddy with the ultimate goal of being able “to do it myself” and feel like an active member of the family. That’s why Little Partners has created the Learning Tower: a sturdy, non-tip structure that welcomes children to participate with parents, caregivers, and siblings by safely raising them to countertop height.
The Learning Tower has been carefully designed to provide a secure environment for a child’s imagination to be stimulated and blossom. Its design nurtures a child’s innate desire to be independent, and to participate alongside his or her parents and siblings.
Features and Benefits:
My 18 month old daughter loves this! Easy assembly and great quality
best price, fast shipping. Exactly what we wanted but even better in person
The tower allows kids to work at kitchen counters safely.
We love our tower. Ordered the apple green color and I am thrilled with it. Really adds a pop of color to my kitchen. The kids are climbing up in their tower every day to help mommy. I received the playhouse kit during free promo and it is really cute - thanks mystepstool!
high quality;easy assembly;smart and useful.
A couple of my friends had these for their toddlers and recommended it. You had the best price, it arrived fast, and we love it. I am very pleased with my purchase and recommend this tower.
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